CircusP Evergreen

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CircusP Evergreen Song Lyrics

Surround me
Call my name any day, I'll run to you faithfully
My heart is evergreen, Though encompassed by falling leaves
Baby, the flowers and trees begin to wilt when you leave
But as you walk away, I am all I need

(Ooh Whoa Oh Oh)
(Ooh Whoa Oh Oh)
(Ooh Whoa Oh Oh)
Through the cold of winter I am numb
(Ooh Whoa Oh Oh)
(Ooh Whoa Oh Oh)
(Ooh Whoa Oh Oh)
And when the sun returns I'll blossom

Evergreen Eh Eh Eh
Evergreen Eh Eh Eh
Baby, by design my love withstands the test of time
Evergreen Eh Eh Eh
Evergreen Eh Eh Eh
Past the timberline
Verdant, I survive

You ready? Oh!
I'm like mother nature, can't be tamed
Mess with me and go up in flames
Break my heart and I'll stay the same
My love is lush baby, Any day

No matter the storm I'll come out reformed
And in all of the debris, Oh
Baby? I'm Evergreen

I can thrive in a grove where the rain comes pouring down
Night by night
With time I find my mind is entwined by vines

(Ooh Whoa Oh Oh)
(Ooh Whoa Oh Oh)
(Ooh Whoa Oh Oh)
Through the cold of winter I am numb
(Ooh Whoa Oh Oh)
(Ooh Whoa Oh Oh)
(Ooh Whoa Oh Oh)
And when the sun returns I'll blossom

Evergreen Eh Eh Eh
Evergreen Eh Eh Eh
Baby, by design my love withstands the test of time
Evergreen Eh Eh Eh
Evergreen Eh Eh Eh
Past the timberline
Verdant, I survive

(Ever Ever Ever Eh Ever Ever)
Evergreen Eh Eh Eh
Evergreen Eh Eh Eh
(Ever Ever Ever Eh Ever Ever)
Evergreen Eh Eh Eh
Evergreen Eh Eh Eh
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