Charlotte Cardin Paradise

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ParadiseCharlotte Cardin

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Time: 03:33 Size: 3.27 Mb Downloaded: 0 Views: 103


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Charlotte Cardin Paradise Song Lyrics

I swallow all tests and I'll follow your dust
Then narrow first steps, any arrow ripping off my
Arrow ripping off my chest
Don't trick me, no
Don't trick me again
'Cause I'm upset and you're outside
And we're both stuck in our paradise
You're weightless hoping, I'm out just smoking
We're stuck inside paradise motion
Paradise, paradise
I'm leaking through you and no you scratch off my rust
The patterns that I choose and your pieces I can keep
Your pieces I can keep them too
So don't trick me, no
Don't trick me again
'Cause I'm upset and you're outside
And we're both stuck in our paradise
You're weightless hopin', I'm out just smokin'
We're stuck inside paradise motion
Paradise, paradise
Don't push me over
Don't push me to my end
'Cause I'm upset and you're outside
And we're both stuck in our paradise
You're weightless hoping, I'm out just smoking
We're stuck inside paradise motion
I'm upset and you're outside
And we're both stuck in our paradise
You're weightless hoping, I'm out just smoking
We're stuck inside paradise motion
Paradise, paradise, paradise, paradise
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