Betta Lemme Vagues Damour

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Vagues DamourBetta Lemme

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Betta Lemme Vagues Damour Song Lyrics

I've got this story that I replay
Mostly at night to save a good day
About a love that left me thinking
Why it's so hard to trust a feeling
Vagues d'amour
On a des bagues d'amour
On a des blagues d'amour
Vagues d'amour
On a des bagues d'amour
On a des blagues d'amour
I met someone who seemed just like me
They lit this fire deep inside me
Come on, like grab my face to tell me
("I only have eyes for you")
That they may be falling hard for me
They mentioned their best friends were [?]
And that they told their parents of me
Inside I knew where it was going
The moment I found lies unfolding
Vagues d'amour
On a des bagues d'amour
On a des blagues d'amour
Vagues d'amour
On a des bagues d'amour
On a des blagues d'amour
What you gonna do when you find…
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