Azis Ciganche

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Time: 04:36 Size: 4.23 Mb Downloaded: 0 Views: 68


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Azis Ciganche Song Lyrics
Listen to me, girl, why do you hide from everyone
That you love the black one, the shabby boy, the poor boy?
Listen to me girl, don't be ashamed
Of my skin color and what people would say!

Do you know how to love and that it is almost like a death,
That when a gipsy man loves he is ready to burn alive?
For you I'll turn to a bridge so you can pass1 on me
For you I would give my lung so you can breath with it!

Look, I'm not mad at you nor I'll judge you,
But tell me how you spent the night with me and you act like you're someone else in the morning?
You meet your friends, you live like I don't exist.
Why do you hide me like I'm a terrible crime?

Do you know how to love and that it is almost like a death,
That when a gipsy man loves he is ready to burn alive?
For you I'll turn to a bridge so you can pass1 on me
For you I would give my lung so you can breath with it!

I told you to beware to not get hurt.
I told you to stay away from my eyes.
I'm something that doesn't exists even in the books.
I'm a fire which only tears can put out

Azis Other Songs:


azis ciganche
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