Ayo Velvet Clouds

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Velvet CloudsAyo

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Time: 04:39 Size: 4.28 Mb Downloaded: 1 Views: 89


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Ayo Velvet Clouds Song Lyrics

If love is a chain made of a substance
That cannot break
Then it ain't made of silver, and it ain't made of goldIt's made of faith
It's deeper than any lake or canyon could be
It's too far for us to reach
It grows in a secret place where hearts will be filled with grace
Our love is like velvet, like velvet
Sweet broderie rose, I love you the most
Like velvet, like velvet clouds full of hope
They ease my soul
If our love was a ocean there'd be no more land
We'd flow together hand in hand
If our love was a forest there'd be nothing but trees
No concrete giants, no cars and no streets
We'd spread our branches and plant our seeds
Eat our own fruits and grow old in peace
Our love is like velvet, like velvet
Sweet broderie rose, I love you the most
Like velvet, like velvet clouds full of hope
They ease my soul
If love is a chain made of a substance
That cannot break
Then it ain't made of silver, and it ain't made of gold
It's made of faith
It's deeper than any lake or canyon could be
It's too far for us to reach
It grows in a secret place where hearts will be filled with grace
Our love is like velvet, like velvet
Sweet broderie rose, I love you the most
Like velvet, like velvet clouds full of hope
They ease my soul
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