Athena An

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Athena An Song Lyrics

Athena An Şarkı Sözleri

We've spent far too much time stirring in this general area.

This place will be where we come home to, when we come home or just pass through.
I imagine those nights will be bittersweet, but I don't think I could ever not leave.
And not you, just here.
You and I, we will always be...

I think we've found a way, to make our lives and our dreams the same thing.
We've fought through all bad days, and we've kept our mind(s) in the right frame.

Through it all...We have it all....

Through it all, we have it all, we lose it all, we gain it all again.
Lose it all, gain&lose it all again.
While always having it all.
None of that even matters here!
We're supposed to believe with a "job" we'll be on our own?
With this thinking what would our heroes have known?

I think we've found a way, to make our lives and live them our own way.
Embracing all I see, who really takes the wrong way?

And now my friends what we will find, is a mode, a means, and a course of time.
We'll care for this under our watchful eye, even while holding we will guard our prize.

We know through it all, it's all alright.
I don't know if I'm right or wrong, but at any second this could all be gone.

I think we've found our way to make our lives and our dreams the same thing.


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