Amr Diab Baed El Layali

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Baed El LayaliAmr Diab

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Amr Diab Baed El Layali Song Lyrics

aaah i count the nights
and the days... because of my desire to you
oh god... how does it become easy to u
every thing... in this farness

aaaah i miss you dear
where are you.... i'm callin' you
i swear i miss your eyes alot
is it really!! you forgot the promise

my love become obvious
in years of farness and separation
and my heart became low
you threw it in fire and suffering

come back i can't stand more... my sweetheart
anser me with anything if you can.... my sweetheart
i swear i love him and i'll love him... my sweetheart
come close and end your farness my sweetheart

how long did it take?
and i couldn't forget you even for a day
and why did this world why
my sweetheart.... take you away

i can't forget you... my sweetheart
who may take your place in this world... my sweetheart
i swear i love him and i love him... my sweetheart
i wish i rest in your hugs... my sweetheart
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