Alicia Keys Hallelujah

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HallelujahAlicia Keys

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Alicia Keys Hallelujah Song Lyrics

There's a hole in my heart I've been hiding
I've been strong for so long that I'm blind
Is there a place I can go where the lonely river flows?
Where fear ends and faith begins
Hallelujah, hallelujah, let me in
I've been praying but I'm paying for my sins
Won't you give me a sign before I lose my mind?
Woah, hallelujah, let me in
Every step makes me think that I'm closer
But somehow I just never arrived
When our hope disappears, please protect me from my tears
I need you right by my side
Hallelujah, hallelujah, let me in
I've been praying but I'm paying for my sins
Won't you give me a sign before I lose my mind?
Woah, hallelujah, let me in
Woah, woah, hallelujah
Woah, woah, hallelujah
All the places I've been
Please forgive me for my sins
Woah, hallelujah, let me in
Woah, woah, let me in
Woah, woah, let me in
Woah, woah
Please forgive me for my sins
Woah, hallelujah, let me in
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