AC-DC Moneytalks

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AC-DC Moneytalks Song Lyrics

Tailored suits, chauffeured cars
Fine hotels and big cigars
Up for grabs, up for a price
Where the red hot girls keep on dancing through the night
The claim is on you
The sights are on me
So what do you do
That's guaranteed
Hey little girl, you want it all
The furs, the diamonds, the painting on the wall
Come on, come on, love me for the money
Come on, come on, listen to the moneytalk
Come on, come on, love me for the money
Come on, come on, listen to the moneytalk
A French maid, foreign chef
A big house with king size bed
You've had enough, you ship them out
The dollar's up, down, you'd better buy the pound
The claim is on you
The sights are on me
So what do you do
That's guaranteed
Hey little girl, you broke the laws
You hustle, you deal, you steal from us all
Come on, come on, love me for the money
Come on, come on, listen to the moneytalk
Come on, come on, love me for the money
Come on, come on, listen to the moneytalk
Moneytalks, yeah, yeah
Money talks, B.S. walks
Money talks, come on, come on
Come on, come on, love me for the money
Come on, come on, listen to the moneytalk
Come on, come on, love me for the money
Come on, come on, listen to the moneytalk
Come on, come on, love me for the money (moneytalks)
Come on, come on, listen to the moneytalk (moneytalks)
Come on, come on, love me for the money (I hear it talk)
Come on, come on, listen to the moneytalk (yeah, yeah)
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