Accept Turn Me On

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Time: 05:15 Size: 4.82 Mb Downloaded: 0 Views: 7



Accept Turn Me On Song Lyrics

I can't wait to get you
Down on the dirty floor
I know it ain't a place
But come on and close the door
I'm coming down for pleasure
For bradgames all night long
Yes, indeed, I wanna have it now
All what you've gotta give
I'm coming to the point - where I can't hold myself
You shouldn't hold it back - it has to be done
Please, turn me on, turn me on, I can't hold it
Please, turn me on, turn me on, I explode
Can't hold it back
It would be good to do in the nice way
But sorry, I ain't got no time
I know you would like some light
But sorry, here is no lamp
So, please don't stop the feeling
Please, come close to me
I've gotta feel your hand
To bring it to an and
I'm coming to the point - where I can't hold myself
You shouldn't hold it back - it has to be done
Please, turn me on, turn me on, I can't hold it
Please, turn me on, turn me on, I explode
Can't hold it back
Baby, that was a hot lick
But someone's banging the door
Believe me, I'm sorry to stop you
But I'm coming back for more
It was more than I could ask for
Sorry babe, I've gotta go
Guess, there's more than two now
Who wants to break the door
Please babe, I've gotta go
You have been really good
I know you want some more
But, what can I do - let's go ahead
Please, turn me on, turn me on


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