Accept Burning

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Time: 05:13 Size: 4.80 Mb Downloaded: 0 Views: 105


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Accept Burning Song Lyrics

I hear a rock'n'roll guitar,
screamin' wild on the radio
Well, I know what I like,
know and it's right
Gotta take me through the night
The sound is comin' out,
it's breakin' down the doors
like an earthquake
Explodin' your brains,
Do it again, power is a natural right
I say, hey Rock'n'Roller,
power in your hands
You and your music,
right on rockin' man
You gotta hear it for a while,
it bowls you over, like dreaminOh, hell what a night,
keep a rockin' on night
Hey, boy can't you see the light
I say, hey Rock'n'Roller,
power in your hands
You and your music,
make me rockin' mad
Burning, burning, burning just like fire
Burning, burning, burning just like fire
Burning, burning, burning just like fire
Burning, burning, burning just like fire
I say, hey Rock'n'Roller,
power in your hands
You and your music,
make me rockin' mad
Burning, burning, burning just like fire
Burning, burning, a rock'n'roll desire
Burning, burning, burning just like fire
Burning, burning, a rock'n'roll desire
Burning, burning, burning just like fire
Burning, burning, burning just like fire
I say, hey Rock'n'Roller,
power in your hands
Hey, rock'n'roller,
right on rockin' man
Burning, burning, burning just like fire
Burning, burning, burning just like fire
Burning, burning, burning just like fire
Burning, burning, burning just like fire
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