Yungblud Parents




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时间: 02:50 尺寸: 2.62 Mb 下载次数: 1 浏览次数: 11

Yungblud - Parents - 视频剪辑

时间: 02:50 尺寸: 41.64 Mb 格式: .mp4 下载次数: 0 浏览次数: 11



Yungblud Parents 歌词

I was born in a messed up century
My favorite flavored sweets are raspberry amphetamines
I bought a car, Beretta age sixteen
I brush my teeth with bleach
'Cause I ain't got time for cavities
My daddy put a gun to my head
Said if you kiss a boy, I'm gonna shoot you dead
So I tied him up with gaffer tape and I locked him in a shed
Then I went out to the garden and I fucked my best friend
'Cause my high hopes are getting low
Because these people are so old
The way they think about it all
If I tried, I would never know
My high hopes are getting low
But I know I'll never be alone
It's alright, we'll survive
'Cause parents ain't always right
Drop a toaster in my bath, watch my mum and dad laugh
See a thousand volts go through the son they wish they never had
They told me casual affection leads to sexual infection
But it's hard to get an erection when you're so used to rejection
Yeah, the teacher fucked the preacher, but then he had to leave her
Had to wash away the sins of a male cheerleader
"Hi! Nice to meet ya, " got nothing to believe in
So let me know when my breathing stops
'Cause my high hopes are getting low
Because these people are so old
The way they think about it all
If I tried, I would never know
My high hopes are getting low
But I know I'll never be alone
It's alright, we'll survive
'Cause parents ain't always right
Tick, tock, stop the clock
Because I got the feeling that I'm gonna get shot
Tick, tock, stop the clock
Because I got the feeling that I'm gonna get shot
My high hopes are getting low
Because these people are so old
The way they think about it all
If I tried, I would never know
My high hopes are getting low
But I know I'll never be alone
It's alright, we'll survive
'Cause parents ain't always right


yungblud parents

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