Tove Lo Thousand Miles


Thousand MilesTove Lo


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Tove Lo Thousand Miles 歌词

Too far away to feel you
But I can't forget your skin
Wonder what you're up to
What state of mind you're in
Are you thinking 'bout the last time
Your lips all over me
'Cause I'd play it in a rewind
Where you are I wanna be
Wanna fly to you like birds do
Straight across the world
My body, your hands, ooh
And I'm missing every word
You are mine, yeah you say so
When you call me late nights
But I wonder how should I know
You're in love enough to fight
Fading away, when you're drunk and alone
Can't see my face in your heart anymore
Telling yourself you don't feel like before
And that's when I run
All of these thousand miles
That's when I run
All of these thousand miles
To get you back
Coming for you babe, I'm coming now
That's when I run
All of these thousand miles
To get you back
Wrapped around your fingers
Let you dive into my low
You remember all my triggers
The physical and stuff
Back and forth forever
Is it how it's gonna be?
Even when we're not together
Will you stay with me?
Fading away, when you're drunk and alone
Can't see my face in your heart anymore
Telling yourself you don't feel like before
And that's when I run
All of these thousand miles
That's when I run
All of these thousand miles
To get you back
Coming for you babe, I'm coming now
That's when I run
All of these thousand miles
To get you back
All of these, all of these thousand miles
To get you back
All of these, all of these thousand miles, ooh
All of these, all of these thousand miles
To get you back
All of these, all of these thousand miles
And that's when I run
All of these thousand miles
That's when I run
All of these thousand miles
To get you back
Coming for you babe, I'm coming now
That's when I run
All of these thousand miles
To get you back
All of these, all of these thousand miles
To get you back
All of these, all of these thousand miles,
All of these thousand miles
All of these, all of these thousand miles
To get you back
All of these, all of these thousand miles

Tove Lo- Thousand Miles 下载mp3

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