Tove Lo Shifted


ShiftedTove Lo


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时间: 03:22 尺寸: 3.10 Mb 下载次数: 1 浏览次数: 7



Tove Lo Shifted 歌词

I listen to what my mama said, yeah
Always been down for a challenge since, yeah
He said it's all 'bout the balance
When you talkin' love and the drama
You just can let it control your life, no
Took it on the heart and now I'm here with you
Twist my body, trippin' jumpin' through your hoops
Know I go full crazy but I'm tired too
I just can't let it control my life, no
Yeah, give me a sin, think you're pulling me in
I'm not feeling your love, done putting in work
Yeah, sick of waiting, yeah, I'm sick of waiting
When you shifted your love, done putting in work
Yeah, I'm done, done, I'm done, done putting in work
Yeah, I'm done, done, I'm done, done putting in work
Yeah, give me a sin, think you're pulling me in
I'm not feeling your love, done putting in work
My mama was full of shit, what?
Or did I miss the whole point of it? No
I don't need your validation
It's just the physical pleasure
I just can't let it control my life, no
Took it on the heart and now I'm here with you
Twist my body, trippin' jumpin' through your hoops
Know I go full crazy but I'm tired too
I just can't let it control my life, no
Yeah, give me a sin, think you're pulling me in
I'm not feeling your love, done putting in work
Yeah, sick of waiting, yeah, I'm sick of waiting
When you shifted your love, done putting in work
Yeah, I'm done, done, I'm done, done putting in work
Yeah, I'm done, done, I'm done, done putting in work
Yeah, give me a sin, think you're pulling me in
I'm not feeling your love, done putting in work
Still hanging but the heat's dyin' down
I'm sick of grabbin' you all over town
Like what you did to me there for a while
I just can't let it control my life, no
Yeah, give me a sin, think you're pulling me in
I'm not feeling your love, done putting in work
Yeah, sick of waiting, yeah, I'm sick of waiting
When you shifted your love, done putting in work
Yeah, I'm done, done, I'm done, done putting in work
Yeah, I'm done, done, I'm done, done putting in work
Yeah, give me a sin, think you're pulling me in
I'm not feeling your love, done putting in work


tove shifted

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