Tove Lo Glad Hes Gone


Glad Hes GoneTove Lo


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Tove Lo Glad Hes Gone 歌词

He's gone, he's gone
You're better off, I'm glad that he's gone
He's gone, he's gone
You're better off, I'm glad that he's gone
I got a girlfriend, she's got a boyfriend
She calls me crying every day 'cause they got problems
He likes complaining, she's compromising
Coming to me for real advice when he just playing
I can tell she loves him way too deep
He loves being fucking hard to please
Cover the basics, it's pretty easy
He's a bitch with some expectations
Did you go down on his birthday? (Yup)
Did you let him leave a necklace? (Yup)
Or did you show him all your crazy? (No)
Blow him up on the weekends (Hmm)
Did you give in to his ego
Just to give a little confidence?
I think you know it's time to let go
(You're better off I'm glad that he's gone)
My baby
Never no tears for that sucker
Only one dick, that's a bummer
Dancing all night, get guys' numbers
(Better off, I'm glad that he's gone, he's gone)
Baby, no tears for that sucker
We'll never go dry this whole summer
Wanna get over, get under
(You're better off, I'm glad that he's gone)
He's gone, he's gone
You're better off, I'm glad that he's gone
Bitch, I love you, he never loved you
He never saw the pretty things in you that I do
I missed your madness, you're kinda ratchet
We used to go out every night, get into bad shit
You and me under each other's wing
We were free 'til he spoiled everything
Cover the basics, it's pretty easy
He's a bitch with some expectations
Did you go down on his birthday? (Yup)
Did you let him leave a necklace? (Yup)
Or did you show him all your crazy? (No)
Blow him up on the weekends (Hmm)
Did you give in to his ego? (Yup)
Just to give a little confidence (No)
I think you know it's time to let go
(You're better off I'm glad that he's gone)
My baby
Never no tears for that sucker
Only one dick, that's a bummer
Dancing all night, get guys' numbers
(Better off, I'm glad that he's gone, he's gone, oh yeah)
Baby, no tears for that sucker
We'll never go dry this whole summer
Wanna get over, get under
(Better off, I'm glad that he's gone)
He's gone, he's gone
You're better off, I'm glad that he's gone
You and me under each other's wing
But he spoiled everything
Bitch, I love you, he never loved you
He never loved you, my baby
Never no tears for that sucker
Only one dick, that's a bummer
Dancing all night, get guys' numbers
(Better off, I'm glad that he's gone)
Baby, no tears for that sucker
We'll never go dry this whole summer
Wanna get over, get under (We get under)
(Better off, I'm glad that he's gone)
He's gone, he's gone (He's gone)
You're better off, I'm glad that he's gone
He's gone, he's gone
You're better off, I'm glad that he's gone


tove glad hes gone

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