Tove Lo Bitches


BitchesTove Lo


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Tove Lo Bitches 歌词

Appreciate it
Touch me like you know what you do and you don't
But I'm feeling jaded
Know your own love, I don't fuck with no glove
So why complicate it?
Let me be your guide when you eat my pussy out
'Cause I've had one or two, even a few
Yeah, more than you
All these girls stare at me, drop lip
Dripping in harmony, like fifth
Lay 'em down, feel 'em up
And they slide away, so easy
Bitches, I don't trust 'em
But they give me what I want for the night
Bitches, I don't trust 'em
But I tell 'em and they do what I like
Bitches, I don't trust 'em
But they give me what I want for the night
Bitches, I don't trust 'em
But I tell 'em and they do what I like
They can't fake it
Drying off the seat when they getting up to leave
So (wet) they get noticed
I'm better if they blunt, I don't really wanna hunt
So why complicate it?
I call it respect when you givin' what you get
So, baby, spread your legs
I'll do the same
Already coming
All these girls stare at me, drop lip
Dripping in harmony, like fifth
Lay 'em down, feel 'em up
And they slide away, so easy
Bitches, I don't trust 'em
But they give me what I want for the night (give me what I want for the night)
Bitches, I don't trust 'em
But I tell 'em and they do what I like (bitches doin' what I want, yeah)
Bitches, I don't trust 'em
But they give me what I want for the night
Bitches, I don't trust 'em
But I tell 'em and they do what I like
Bitches, I don't trust 'em
But they give me what I want for the night (what I want for the night)
Bitches, I don't trust 'em
But I tell 'em and they do what I like
Bitches, I don't trust 'em
But they give me what I want for the night


tove bitches

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