Tool Invincible




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时间: 12:29 尺寸: 11.44 Mb 下载次数: 0 浏览次数: 3



Tool Invincible 歌词

Long in tooth and soul
Longing for another win
Lurch into the fray
Weapon out and belly in
Warrior struggling
To remain consequential
Bellow aloud
Bold and proud
Of where I've been
But here I am
Beating chest and drums
Beating tired bones again
Age-old battle, mine
Weapon out and belly in
Tales told of battles won
Of things we've done
Caligula would grin
Beating tired bones
Tripping through remember when
Once invincible
Now the armor's wearing thin
Heavy shield down
Warrior struggling
To remain relevant
Warrior struggling
To remain consequential
Cry aloud
Bold and proud
Of where I've been
But here I am
Where I end
Warrior struggling
To remain relevant
Warrior struggling
To remain consequential
Tears in my eyes
Chasing Ponce de Leon's phantom
So filled with hope
I can taste mythical fountains
False hope, perhaps
But the truth never got in my way
Before now, feel the sting
Feeling time bearing down
Tears in my eyes
Chasing Ponce de Leon's phantom
So filled with hope
I can taste mythical fountains
False hope, perhaps
But the truth never got in my way
Before now, feel the sting
Feeling time bearing down
False hope, perhaps
But the truth never got in my way
Before now, feel the sting
Feeling time bearing down
Bearing down


tool invincible

Tool- Invincible 下载mp3

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