Thomas Rhett Center Point Road


Center Point RoadThomas Rhett


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Thomas Rhett Center Point Road 歌词

We drank our beer in the basement
So no one would know
We didn't care where the days went
Had nowhere to go, Center Point Road
When everything was about a kiss
And clouds just looked like battleships
Helmets crashin' on the field
And we thought every love was real
We wrote our own destiny
In parking lots and empty streets
Yeah, we got high on you and me
Jumped over cracks beneath our feet
And we thought it would never end
Then watched it go like summer wind
When growing up was just a dream
And Friday night was everything
Yeah, we didn't worry 'bout nothin'
We had it all, yeah
And bein' the fastest was somethin'
Runnin' the halls, breakin' the law
Life was about the party (the party, yeah)
Who you are and who you're with
Drinkin' 'til your head was sorry
Oh, and dancin' for the hell of it, yeah
We wrote our own destiny
In parking lots and empty streets
Yeah, we got high on you and me
Jumped over cracks beneath our feet
And we thought it would never end
Then watched it go like summer wind
When growing up was just a dream
And Friday night was everything
Hold on forever (hold on forever)
Yeah, hold onto it (hold onto it)
Yeah, hold on forever (hold on forever)
And never let go of it (ooh, ooh)
Everyone says when you're younger
It's gonna go fast
Then suddenly hits you like thunder
And you're gonna wanna go back
Wanna go back, wanna go back, wanna go back
We wrote our own destiny (oh, yeah)
In parking lots and empty streets
Yeah, we got high on you and me
Jumped over cracks beneath our feet (oh, whoa)
And we thought it would never end (ooh, yeah)
Then watched it go like summer wind (ooh, ooh)
When growing up was just a dream (just a dream)
And Friday night was everything
We wrote our own destiny
In parking lots and empty streets
When growing up was just a dream
And Friday night was everything

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