Thomas Rhett Beer Cant Fix


Beer Cant FixThomas Rhett


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时间: 03:29 尺寸: 3.21 Mb 下载次数: 1 浏览次数: 13



Thomas Rhett Beer Cant Fix 歌词

You're all alone at a party, you wanna dance with somebody
But you ain't got a clue how to ask
You and your girl had a fight and now she's sayin' goodbye
She ran upstairs and packed her bags
It could be rainin' on your perfect vacation
You could be stressed about your work situation
Ain't gotta listen to me, but all I'm sayin'
Ain't nothing that a beer can't fix
Ain't no pain it can't wash away
From the moment that it hits your lips
Makes those clouds look a little less gray
Oh, you could be lonely, or heartbroken
Or hungover from the night before
Turn that frown into a smile real quick
There ain't nothing that a beer can't fix
You're on a lake and you're fishin'
It's hot and all that you're gettin'
Is a little nibble here and there
You're sitttin', watchin' your team losin' that championship ring
And you're feelin like life ain't fair
It could be rainin' on your perfect vacation
You could be stressed about your work situation
Ain't nothing that a beer can't fix
Ain't no pain it can't wash away
From the moment that it hits your lips
Makes those clouds look a little less gray
Oh, you could be lonely, heartbroken
Or hungover from the night before
Turn that frown into a smile real quick
Ain't nothing that a beer can't fix (yeehaw)
It could be rainin' on your perfect vacation
You could be stressed about your work situation
Ain't gotta save it for no special occasion
Ain't nothing that a beer can't fix
Ain't no pain it can't wash away, no
From the moment that it hits your lips
Makes those clouds look a little less gray
Oh, you could be lonely (lonely)
Heartbroken (heartbroken)
Or hungover from the night before
Turn that frown into a smile real quick (so quick)
It might take one or it might take six
Drink it down, it'll do the trick
Ain't nothing that a beer can't fix

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