The Weeknd Wicked Games


Wicked GamesThe Weeknd


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时间: 04:41 尺寸: 4.30 Mb 下载次数: 4 浏览次数: 28



The Weeknd Wicked Games 歌词

Oh oh oh oh, oh oh oh, yeah!

I left my girl back homeI don't love her no more

And she'll never fuckin' know that

These fuckin' eyes that I'm starin' at

Let me see that ass

Look at all this cash

And I emptied out my cards too

Now I'm fuckin' leanin' on that

Bring your love, baby, I could bring my shame

Bring the drugs, baby, I could bring my pain

I got my heart right here

I got my scars right here

Bring the cups, baby, I could bring the drank

Bring your body, baby, I could bring you fame

And that's my motherfucking words too

Just let me motherfucking love you

Listen, ma, I'll give you all I got

Get me off of this

I need confidence in myself

Yeah, yeah, yeah!

Ooh... yeah!

Oh, oh, oh

Listen, ma, I'll give you all of me

Give me all of it

I need all of it to myself

(Uh oh... oh uh oh, oh uh oh...)

So tell me you love me

(Only for tonight, only for the night)

Even though you don't love me

(Oh uh oh, oh uh oh)

Just tell me you love me

(I'll give you what I need) (oh uh oh)

(I'll give you all of me)

Even though you don't love me

(Oh uh oh, oh uh oh)

Let me see you dance

I love to watch you dance

Take you down another level

Get you dancin' with the devil

Take a shot of this, but I'm warnin' you

I'm on that shit that you can't smell, baby

So, put down your perfume

Bring your love, baby, I could bring my shame

Bring the drugs, baby, I could bring my pain

Oh uh, I got my heart right here

Oh uh, I got my scars right here

Bring the cups, baby, I could bring the drank

Bring your body, baby, I could bring you fame

And that's my motherfucking words too, ayy

So let me motherfucking love you

Listen, ma, I'll give you all I got

Get me off of this (off of this)

I need confidence in myself (confidence)

Oh oh uh, oh oh uh eh

Eh eh...

Listen, ma, I'll give you all of me

Give me all of it

I need all of it to myself

(I need all of it)

So, tell me you love me

(Only for tonight, only for the night)

(Oh uh oh, oh uh oh)

Just tell me you love me

(I'll give you what I need) (oh oh uh oh)

(I'll give you all of me)

Even though you don't love me

Oh oh, yeah yeah yeah!

(Oh uh oh, oh uh oh)

(Uh oh, oh oh)

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