The Weeknd Often


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The Weeknd Often 歌词

Seneler sürer her günüm

Ooh, yeah, ooh, yeah, ooh, yeah, ooh, yeah, ooh, yeah

Yalnız gitmekten yorgunumOoh, yeah, ooh, yeah, ooh, yeah, ooh, yeah

Seneler sürer her günüm

Ooh, yeah, ooh, yeah, ooh, yeah, ooh, yeah, ooh, yeah

Yalnız gitmekten yorgunum

Ooh, yeah, ooh, yeah, ooh, yeah, ooh, yeah, ooh, yeah

I usually love sleeping all alone

This time around, bring your friend with you

But we ain't really going to sleep at all

You ain't gonna catch me with them sneak pictures, sneak pictures

In my city, I'm a young god

That pussy kill be so vicious

My god white, he in my pocket

He get me redder than the Devil 'til I go nauseous

She asked me if I do this every day, I said, often

Asked how many times she rode the wave, not so often

Bitches down to do it either way, often

Baby, I can make that pussy rain, often

Often, often, girl, I do this often

Make that pussy pop and do it how I want it

Often, often, girl, I do this often

Make that pussy pop and do it how I want it


Infatuated by the fame status

She wanna ride inside the G-Class grey 'matic

I come around, she leave that nigga like he ain't matter

That girl been drinkin' all day, need to change bladder

She just happy that the crew back in town

She 'bout to go downtown for a whole hour

If I had her, you can have her, man, it don't matter

I'm never sour, I'm just smokin' somethin' much louder

She asked me if I do this every day, I said, often

Asked how many times she rode the wave, not so often

Bitches down to do it either way, often

Baby, I can make that pussy rain, often

Often, often, girl, I do this often

Make that pussy pop and do it how I want it

Often, often, girl, I do this often

Make that pussy pop and do it how I want it


Ooh, the sun's risin' up

The night's almost up

The night's almost done

But I see your eyes

You wanna go again

Girl, I'll go again

Girl, I'll go again

She asked me if I do this every day, I said, often

Asked how many times she rode the wave, not so often

Bitches down to do it either way, often

Baby, I can make that pussy rain, often

Often, often, girl, I do this often

Make that pussy pop and do it how I want it

Often, often, girl, I do this often

Make that pussy pop and do it how I want it


Seneler sürer her günüm

Ooh, yeah, ooh, yeah, ooh, yeah, ooh, yeah, ooh, yeah

Yalnız gitmekten yorgunum

Ooh, yeah, ooh, yeah, ooh, yeah, ooh, yeah

Seneler sürer her günüm

Ooh, yeah, ooh, yeah, ooh, yeah, ooh, yeah, ooh, yeah

Yalnız gitmekten yorgunum

Ooh, yeah, ooh, yeah, ooh, yeah, ooh, yeah


the weeknd often

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