The Weeknd Dark Times


Dark TimesThe Weeknd


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The Weeknd Dark Times 歌词

I just pretend

That I'm in the dark

I don't regret'Cause my heart can't take a loss

I'd rather be so oblivious

I'd rather be with you

When it's said, when it's done, yeah

I don't ever wanna know

I can tell what you done, yeah

When I look at you

In your eyes

I see there's something burning inside you

Oh, inside you

In your eyes

I know it hurts to smile but you try to

Oh, you try to

You always try to hide the pain

You always know just what to say

I always look the other way

I'm blind, I'm blind

In your eyes

You lie, but I don't let it define you

Oh, define you

I tried to find love

In someone else too many times

But I hope you know I mean it (Mean it)

When I tell you you're the one that was on my mind, oh

When it's said, when it's done, yeah

I would never let you know (Let you know)

I'm ashamed of what I've done, yeah

When I look at you

In your eyes (Your eyes)

I see there's something burning inside you (Inside you)

Oh, inside you (Oh, inside you)

In your eyes

I know it hurts to smile but you try to (But you try to)

Oh, you try to (You try to)

You always try to hide the pain (Oh, oh)

You always know just what to say (Oh, dear)

I always look the other way

I'm blind, I'm blind

In your eyes

You lie, but I don't let it define you (Hey)

Oh, define you

In your eyes

I see there's something burning inside you

Oh, inside you

You always try to hide the pain

You always know just what to say

I always look the other way

I'm blind, I'm blind

In your eyes

You lie, but I don't let it define you

Oh, define you








the weeknd dark times

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