The Weeknd Acquainted


AcquaintedThe Weeknd


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时间: 03:56 尺寸: 3.62 Mb 下载次数: 3 浏览次数: 21



The Weeknd Acquainted 歌词

Baby, you're no good

'Cause they warned me 'bout your type girl

I've been ducking left and rightBaby, you're no good

Think I fell for you, I fell for you, I fell for you

You got me puttin' time in, time in

Nobody got me feeling this way

You probably think I'm lying, lying

I'm used to bitches comin' right 'way

You got me touchin' on your body

You got me touchin' on your body

To say that we're in love is dangerous

But girl I'm so glad we're acquainted

I'll get you touchin' on your body

I'll get you touchin' on your body

I know I'd rather be complacent

But girl I'm so glad we're acquainted

We're acquainted

Baby, you're no good

All my niggas think I'm crazy 'cause I'm thinkin' 'bout us lately

But really if I could

I'd forget about you, 'get about you, 'get about you

You got me puttin' time in, time in

Nobody got me feeling this way

You probably think I'm lying, lying

I'm used to bitches comin' right 'way

You got me touchin' on your body

You got me touchin' on your body

To say that we're in love is dangerous

But girl I'm so glad we're acquainted

I got you touchin' on your body

I got you touchin' on your body

I know I'd rather be complacent

But girl I'm so glad we're acquainted

We're acquainted

Momma caught me cryin', cryin', cryin', cryin'

'Cause I won't find somebody that's real

(She wants somebody that's real) yeah

'Cause every time I try to, try to, try to run

The fast life keeps gaining on me (fast life keeps gaining on me) shit

But ever since I met you

I couldn't believe what you did

So comfort me babe, ain't no rush from me babe

I'll keep on touchin' on your body

I'll keep on touchin' on your body

To say that we're in love is dangerous

But girl I'm so glad we're acquainted

I got you touchin' on your body

I got you touchin' on your body

I know I'd rather be complacent

But girl I'm so glad we're acquainted

We're acquainted

I'm not tryna talk at all

'Cause I'm tryna love you crazy

Put some more inside your cup

And drink till you numb the pain

I got you touchin' on your body

These girls keep touchin' on their body

They got accustomed to the life we live

These girls born in the '90s are dangerous

I got 'em thinkin' that they want me

Although they know they not the only

I got 'em wanting to embrace their sins

These girls born in the '90s are dangerous

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