Tatu Running Blind


Running BlindTatu


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时间: 03:39 尺寸: 3.36 Mb 下载次数: 0 浏览次数: 13



Tatu Running Blind 歌词

Reaching for you,
I know you're out there somewhere.
It's too dark, I'm so cold,
I know I had to come here.
Every broken dream,
That I leave behind,
Keeps me going on,
Keeps me running blind.
Calling your name, I hear only echoes,
Searching the rain I see only shadows,
You've got to show me your face.
Voices, I hear them calling behind me,
Phantoms of you are burning inside me,
You've got to give me a sign.
Fading, slowly.
You're drifting into darkness.
I can't see, I can't think,
I need to keep on searching.
Every memory,
Every thought of you,
Is inside of me,
Tells me what to do.
Calling your name, I hear only echoes,
Searching the rain I see only shadows,
You've got to show me your face.
Voices, I hear them calling behind me,
Phantoms of you are burning inside me,
You've got to give me a sign.
Can you hear me?
Am I only wasting time?
Are you near me?
Are you only in my mind?
Are you? Are you?
Calling your name, I hear only echoes,
Searching the rain I see only shadows,
You've got to show me your face.
Voices, I hear them calling behind me,
Phantoms of you are burning inside me,
You've got to give me a sign.


tatu running blind

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