Tatu Friend or Foe


Friend or FoeTatu


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时间: 03:18 尺寸: 3.04 Mb 下载次数: 2 浏览次数: 11



Tatu Friend or Foe 歌词

Is it too late
Nothing to salvage
You look away
Clear all the damage
The meaning to
All words of love
Has disappeared
We used to love one another
Give to each other
Lie under covers so,
Are you friend or foe
Love one another
Live for each other
So, are you friend or foe
'Cause I used to know
The promises
Hollow concessions
And innocent show of affection
I touch your hand
A hologram
Are you still there
We used to love one another
Give to each other
Lie under covers so,
Are you friend or foe
Love one another
Live for each other
So, are you friend or foe
'Cause I used to know
Is it too late
Nothing to salvage
You look away
Clear all the damage
The meaning to
All words of love
Has disappeared
We used to love one another
Give to each other
Lie under covers so,
Are you friend or foe
Love one another
Live for each other
So, are you friend or foe
'Cause I used to know


tatu friend foe

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