Tatu 30 Minutes


30 MinutesTatu


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时间: 03:33 尺寸: 3.27 Mb 下载次数: 1 浏览次数: 12



Tatu 30 Minutes 歌词

Out of sight, out of mind
Out of time to decide
Do we run? Should I hide
For the rest of my life
Can we fly? Do I stay?
We could lose we could fail
In the moment it takes
To make plans, or mistakes
30 minutes the blink of an eye
30 minutes to alter our lives
30 minutes to make up my mind
30 minutes to finally decide
30 minutes to whisper your name
30 minutes to shoulder the blame
30 minutes of bliss, 30 lies
30 minutes to finally decide
Carousels in the sky
That we shape with our eyes
Under shade silhouettes casting
shade crying rain
Can we fly do I stay
We could lose, we could fail
Either way, options change
chances fail, Trains derail.
30 minutes, a blink of an eye
30 minutes to all of our life's
30 minutes to make up my mind
30 minutes to finally decide
30 minutes to whisper your name
30 minutes to show her the blame
30 minutes of bliss, 30 lies
30 minutes to finally decide
To decide, to decide to decide to decide


tatu minutes

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