Tate McRae Vicious (feat Lil Mosey)


Vicious (feat Lil Mosey)Tate McRae


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时间: 03:04 尺寸: 2.83 Mb 下载次数: 2 浏览次数: 4



Tate McRae Vicious (feat Lil Mosey) 歌词

Baby, it stung, now it's sweet

Watching you beg on your knees, oh my-y-y

Wipe my tongue 'cross your teeth

Just a little taste to remember me by

I'm the ice in your glass

I'm like the sand through your hands, oh my-y-y

Didn't know what you had

Gotta live with that for the rest of your life

I won't, won't lie

Last night I cried a little

Now I, I'm fine

Let you push me to the edge, 'bout to lose my mind

Understand it's out of your hands

Sleep tight where you've made your bed

Last kiss, leave your lips blood red

Burning bridges, breaking dishes, look you made me something vicious

Understand it's out of your hands

Waste my time, better pay me respect

Last kiss, leave your lips blood red

Burning bridges, breaking dishes, look you made me something vicious

Baby, get…

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