Tate McRae One Day


One DayTate McRae


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时间: 03:05 尺寸: 2.84 Mb 下载次数: 2 浏览次数: 10



Tate McRae One Day 歌词

She stares at her ceiling once again with hundred thoughts

"Maybe he knows who I am, probably not"

She walks down the hall with her head down low

Scared to meet his eyes

Even when she hears his voice she's swarmed with butterflies

It's impossible to get you off my mind

I think about hundred thoughts and you are 99

I've understood that you will never be mine

And that's fine I'm just breaking inside

He always walks the crowded halls and is blinded by this light

A girl who keeps her head down low and never shows her eyes

He's tried to talk to her but there's no easy way

'Cause every time he raises his voice she runs away

Oh, it's impossible to get you off my mind

I think about hundred thoughts and you are 99

I've understood that you will never be mine



tate mcrae one day

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