Stephen Tracer




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时间: 02:05 尺寸: 1.92 Mb 下载次数: 0 浏览次数: 4



Stephen Tracer 歌词

I fuck around in your spawn with a pair of pistols

I can do anything

Like drop a clip in your neck and recall my visitYou can't escape from me

You shootin' back, but you miss a lot

This is too much fun, I feel like a god

I stuck your boy in the back and he disconnected

I think he's mad at me

Shine my light

It's do or die

I know there's more out there for me

So why did I

Fall in love

This is not how I wanna be

Cannot waste my life on this

Won't waste my life on this

I'm a bad boy fuckin' with a good girlie

She gonna carry me

And watch me climb to the top know these hands are dirty

With that rosy skin

You got a Brig and your boy McCree

That's just not enough up against a god

I can hear your whole team goin'

Shine my light

It's do or die

I know there's more out there for me

So why did I

Fall in love

This is not how I wanna be

Cannot waste my life on this

Won't waste my life on this


stephen tracer

Stephen- Tracer 下载mp3

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