Soulja Boy Molly


MollySoulja Boy


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时间: 03:20 尺寸: 3.07 Mb 下载次数: 2 浏览次数: 12



Soulja Boy Molly 歌词

On a bean, picked up my Bentley keys

Y'all stay lacking and I put her on a bean

Molly with that lean, rolling through the streetsBitch I do my thing, bitch I do my thing

On a bean, picked up my Bentley keys

Y'all stay lacking and I put her on a bean

Molly with that lean, rolling through the streets

Molly with that lean, bitch I do my thing

Molly with that lean rolling through the streets

Man I do my thing, boy I stay clean

Boy you know I'm packing, y'all boys playing

Pull up in that Porsche, like what you really saying

Do this every day, day do this all the time, time

Man I'm on my hustle, man I'm on my grind

In a big time, say I'm in a big league

Oh no, on the stage and you in the VIP

Oh man I'm in the streets, man I'm in your fucking girl

Take her to the crib, molly world, molly world

With that lean, with that lean, with that smoke, with the smoke

I'm on a yacht, I'm on a boat

On a bean, picked up my Bentley keys

Y'all stay lacking and I put her on a bean

Molly with that lean, rolling through the streets

Bitch I do my thing, bitch I do my thing

On a bean, picked up my Bentley keys

Y'all stay lacking and I put her on a bean

Molly with that lean, rolling through the streets

Molly with that lean, Molly with that lean

With that lean, lean

With that lean, molly with that lean

Molly with that lean, with that lean

With that lean, molly with that lean

Molly with that lean

On a bean, struggling out the club

Stumbling looking for my keys, keys

Hopped inside the Porsche swerving oh I'm on freeze

Rolex on my wrist, hold it up if you paid

It's Rolex gang, gang

That's what I claim, I pull up 20 racks in my pocket

Water running with the lean like a faucet

I'm getting money and you niggas can't stop it, can't stop it

You can't stop it, can't stop it

Say I'm a king, I'm a king

All the girls in the club say I'm clean, say I'm clean

I wake up in the morning do my thing, do my thing

And your girlfriend right here, she on a bean, she on a bean, she on a bean

Molly with the lean, with the lean

Molly with the lean, with the lean

Molly with the lean, molly with the lean

Molly with the lean, molly with the lean

On a bean, picked up my Bentley keys

Y'all stay lacking and I put her on a bean

Molly with that lean, rolling through the streets

Bitch I do my thing, bitch I do my thing

On a bean, picked up my Bentley keys

Y'all stay lacking and I put her on a bean

Molly with that lean, rolling through the streets

Bitch I do my thing, bitch I do my thing


soulja boy molly

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