Sigrid Strangers




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时间: 04:04 尺寸: 3.74 Mb 下载次数: 0 浏览次数: 8



Sigrid Strangers 歌词

Just like in the movies

It starts to rain and we

We're the broken beautiesBlindfolded minds collide and we fall

When the curtain drops

Our touch is just a touch

Not like in the movies

Our story's after the end

Like strangers, perfect pretenders

We're falling head over heels

For something that ain't real

It could never be us, eh

Just you and I

Strangers, perfect pretenders

We're falling head over heels

For something that ain't real

It could never be us, eh

Just you and I

Memories in photos

Too easy to rewrite

Left as lonely shadows

Holding each other tight and we fall

When the curtain drops

Our touch is just a touch

Not like in the movies

Our story's after the end

Like strangers, perfect pretenders

We're falling head over heels

For something that ain't real

It could never be us, eh

Just you and I

Think we got it, but we made up a dream

'Cause we've got a pretty look of what we could be, woo

I don't want you, all you want is someone

Going home together to forget we're alone

Think we got it, but we made up a dream

'Cause we've got a pretty look of what we could be, woo

I don't want you, all you want is someone

Going home together to forget we're alone

You and I, you and I, you and I, you and I, you and I, you and I

Not like in the movies

You and I, you and I, you and I, you and I, you and I, you and I

Not like in the movies

Like strangers, perfect pretenders

We're falling head over heels

For something that ain't real

It could never be us, eh

Just you and I

Strangers, perfect pretenders

We're falling head over heels

For something that ain't real

It could never be us, eh

Just you and I

Think we got it, but we made up a dream

'Cause we've got a pretty look of what we could be, woo

I don't want you, all you want is someone

Going home together to forget we're alone

Think we got it, but we made up a dream

'Cause we've got a pretty look of what we could be, woo

I don't want you, all you want is someone

Going home together to forget we're alone


(Think we got it, but we made up a dream)

('Cause we've got a pretty look of what we could be, woo)

Perfect pretenders

(I don't want you, all you want is someone

Going home together to forget we're alone)

We're falling head over heels

For something that ain't real

It could never be us, eh

Just you and I


sigrid strangers

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