Sigrid Plot Twist


Plot TwistSigrid


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Sigrid Plot Twist 歌词

I thought you were someone to trust

Get tough, grow up, be straight up

But no, you've been showin' meYou're the best that I've ever had

Or you're the best lie I've never heard

Oh-whoa-oh (Shots fired)

You're just a hype, no

Better work on that hype, bro

Oh-whoa-oh (Shots fired)

Better work on that hype, bro

Do you need me to spell it out loud?

You screwed it up plot twist, moved on

And now you want me

To play games like a wannabe

Tough luck, you're kidding yourself

Plot twist, moved on and now you want me

You're playing games like a wannabe

Like a wannabe, like a wannabe

(Shots fired)

I-I-I-I don't want it

I-I-I-I don't want it

Tick-tock, tick-tock, we're overdue

But if you're gonna crack my heart, do it in two

Give me a show-oh-oh

Still that's a no-oh-oh from me

You're getting pushed out of my priority

Oh-whoa-oh (Shots fired)

You're just a hype, no

Better work on that hype, bro

Oh-whoa-oh (Shots fired)

Better work on that hype, bro

Do you need me to spell it out loud?

You screwed it up plot twist, moved on

And now you want me

To play games like a wannabe (Shots fired, fired)

Tough luck, you're kidding yourself

Plot twist, moved on and now you want me

You're playing games like a wannabe

Like a wannabe, like a wannabe

(Shots fired)

I-I-I-I don't want it

I-I-I-I don't want it

Better work

And you want me

Better work on that

Better work on that hype, bro

And you wanna be, oh

Better work

Better work on that

Better work on that hype, bro

Yeah, you still wanna be

Better work

Better work on that

Better work on that hype, bro

And now you want me

Do you need me to spell it out loud?

You screwed it up plot twist, moved on

And now you want me

To play games like a wannabe (Shots fired, fired)

Tough luck, you're kidding yourself

Plot twist, moved on and now you want me

You're playing games like a wannabe

Like a wannabe, like a wannabe

(Shots fired)

I-I-I-I don't want it

I-I-I-I don't want it


sigrid plot twist

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