Sheck Wes YKTS


YKTSSheck Wes


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时间: 04:09 尺寸: 3.82 Mb 下载次数: 4 浏览次数: 9



Sheck Wes YKTS 歌词


Fa-fa-fa (bitch)

Fa-fa-fa (fa-fa)

Yeah, uh, yeah (yeah)

Still in this bitch with the same niggas I came with

I'ma be honest, I don't feel no pain

I can't even see you through my shades, bitch

On the West Coast with a bad bitch in my coupe

She's used to the gangbangers

On the East Coast with the Less gang

On the block plottin', thinking 'bout what we takin', yeah

On the road though, gettin' checks, uh

What a young nigga makin', uh

I've been close to the angels, running away from Satan, uh

Assalamu alaykum, uh

I bring home the bacon, young Sheck Wes

I do not do haram, uh, I eat the halal, uh

Pork, I ain't never taste it

Never had a nine to five or had the late shift

Moms had to work so I had to raise me, uh

'Cause shit was really hard, uh, it's different…


sheck wes ykts

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