Sheck Wes Sadio Mane


Sadio ManeSheck Wes


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Sheck Wes Sadio Mane 歌词


Fire, fire, fire

Uh, yeah, uh, yeah

Sadio Mané

Sadio Mané, Mané Sadio

They told me that you'll never walk alone, I know, I know

I took a loss today, but I'll still wake up tomorrow

Putting danger on the pitch, there's stains up on the kit

Sadio Mané, Mané Sadio

They told me that you'll never walk alone, I know, I know

I took a loss today, but I'll still wake up tomorrow

Putting danger on the pitch, there's stains up on the kit

Le téléphone sonne toujours allô allô

Le téléphone sonne toujours allô allô

So many tings in this bitch, a scene in the VIP

I leave events, drunken hoes in the Lyft

Real shit, baby, how can I pretend?

Can't pay for the pussy, ain't worth 99 cents (ching)

I was in the projects, now they fiend for a pic

I use to make my mama angry,…


sheck wes sadio mane

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