Shaggy Hey Sexy Lady


Hey Sexy LadyShaggy


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Shaggy Hey Sexy Lady 歌词

On us

No fear

Ha ha ha ha

Ri bam bam bam bi do



Hey sexy lady, I like your flow

Your body's burnin', I lost control

Your booty on me, ceiling to floor

Only you can make me scream and beg for more

Everybody's callin', ballin', hot me crawlin' up the wallin' and-

My size ain't small, less tall and catch a glimpse of clothes be fallin'

Her neighbor's callin', ballin', all this noise is so appallin'

They must believe we're brawlin', head boards bang 'til early this mornin'

Hey sexy lady, I like your flow

Your body's burnin', I lost control

Your booty on me, ceiling to floor

Only you can make me scream and beg for more

I was hers for the choosin', performance left her snoozin'

Rub burns, our knees are bruise and she's hooked, ain't no refusin'

I knew it all along, she was a perfect one

She really put it on, I had to write a song


shaggy hey sexy lady

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