Sevdaliza Martyr




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时间: 04:34 尺寸: 4.20 Mb 下载次数: 2 浏览次数: 16



Sevdaliza Martyr 歌词

Lover, you're killing me kind
I know what you're thinking of
Mother, keep filling our void
Damaged by our insensibles
I'm where love lost her backbones
She can't pretend
I'll blow up and under the curtains
I'm cursed to these hypocrites
I see crowds of people
I see intentions
I see it all, all
I see lies and their vessels
I see their guardian angels fall
I see crowds of people
I see intentions
I see it all, all
I see lies and their vessels
I see their guardian angels fall
There is no windows nor doors
Bones harm no one
In the flash of lightning, I felt the rain
I can't be harmed by one
Bats with baby faces in the violet light
Heads downwards a blackened wall
Upside in the air, reminiscent bells
We could have had it all
Could have had it all
We could have had it all
If you didn't turn away
We could have had it all
If you didn't pretend to stay
I see crowds of people
I see intentions
I see it all, all
I see lies and their vessels
I see their guardian angels fall
I see crowds of people
I see intentions
I see it all, all
I see lies and their vessels
I see their guardian angels fall
Love, you're killing me kind
I know what you're thinking of


sevdaliza martyr

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