Sertab Erener Love Bites


Love BitesSertab Erener


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Sertab Erener Love Bites 歌词

Sertab Erener Love Bites Şarkı Sözleri

The plan was really cool
Like a child in school
But we broke all the rules on a hot night

A man's gotta eat
Gotta feed his needs
And he's certain to retreat from a catfight

Once bit, twice shy
Say you're out, nice try
They hit you when you're down if you're off-sid

If you always do
Just what you've always done
You're always gonna get it cause love bites

That's what I mean it's what I like
Everybody's looking for a love bite
It's forever, and after
Backatcha it's allright
Forever and after, love, love, love, love bites

Homo homie lupus now How you gonna top it now
When you gonna cop us some insight

Changing roles, exchanging blows
Digging holes, breaking laws
Wrecking balls, waging warsof black and white

Such a sad dilemmo for you
Daddy and your mamma who've been
Brawling through the summer from morning to night

All the creatures of the day
Always think that it's okay
Until they find it their dismay that love bites

That's what I mean it's what I like
Everbody's looking for a love bite
It's forever, and after
Backatcha it's allright
Forever and after, love, love, love, love bites

Everybody screaming no not me
But we all end up repeating history

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