Selena Gomez Sad


SadSelena Gomez


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Selena Gomez Sad 歌词


They fell in love one summerA little too wild for each other

Shiny 'til it wasn't

Feels good 'til it doesn't

It was her first real lover

His too 'til he had another

Oh, God, when she found out

Trust levels went way down

Of course she was sad

But now she's glad she dodged a bullet (Mmm)

Took a few years to soak up the tears

But look at her now, watch her go

Mm-mm-mm, mm-mm-mm, mm-mm

Look at her now, watch her go

Mm-mm-mm, mm-mm-mm, mm-mm

Wow, look at her now

Mm-mm-mm, mm-mm-mm, mm-mm

Look at her now, watch her go

Mm-mm-mm, mm-mm-mm, mm-mm

Wow, look at her now

Wow, look at her now

Fast nights that got him

That new life was his problem

Not saying she was perfect

Still regrets that moment

Like that night

Wasn't wrong, wasn't right, yeah

What a thing to be human (What a thing to be human)

Made her more of a woman (Made her more of a woman)

Of course she was sad

But now she's glad she dodged a bullet (Mmm)

Took a few years to soak up the tears

But look at her now, watch her go

Mm-mm-mm, mm-mm-mm, mm-mm

Look at her now, watch her go

Mm-mm-mm, mm-mm-mm, mm-mm

Wow, look at her now (Look at her now)

Mm-mm-mm, mm-mm-mm, mm-mm

Look at her now, watch her go

Mm-mm-mm, mm-mm-mm, mm-mm

Wow, look at her now


Wow, look at her now (Look at her now)

(Look at her now)

Wow, look at her now

She knows she'll find love (She knows)

Only if she wants it

She knows she'll find love (She knows)

She knows she'll find love (She knows)

Only if she wants it

She knows she'll find love (She knows)

On the up from the way down

Look at her now (Watch her go)

Mm-mm, look at her now, mm-mm (Oh)

She knows she'll find love (She knows she will)

Only if she wants it

She knows she'll find love

Look at her now, yeah (Look at her now)

She knows she'll find love (She knows she will)

Only if she wants it

She knows she'll find love

Wow, look at her now


selena gomez sad

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