Seeb feat Bastille-Grip


feat Bastille-GripSeeb


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Seeb feat Bastille-Grip 歌词

As the night time bleeds into the day
Tomorrow spills across the sky
And the sun’s a harsh reminder why
We are feeling barely human

We don’t know what’s good for us
'Cause if we did, we might not do it
Who knows where our limits lie?
We won’t discover ‘til we push it

I should just walk away, walk away
But it grips me, it grips me
When I should call it a day and make my way
Oh, it grips me
'Cause the devil’s got my arms
('Cause the devil's got my arms)
And it pulls me back into the night
When I should just walk away, away
Oh, it grips me
'Cause the devil’s got my arms
'Cause the devil's got my arms
And it pulls me back into the night

[Verse 2]
We got drunk on this unholy wine
To deliver us from our old minds
The promise of a better time
'Til we’re feeling barely human

We don’t know what’s good for us
'Cause if we did, we might not do it
Who knows where our limits lie?
We won’t discover ‘til we push it

'Cause the devil's got my arms
('Cause the devil's got my arms)
And it pulls me back into the night
When I should just walk away, away
Oh, it grips me
'Cause the devil's got my arms
And it pulls me back into the night
The devil's got my arms
And it pulls me back into the night

I would rather forget and wash my memory clean
Oh, I would rather forget and wash my memory clean
I would rather forget (I would rather forget)
Wash my memory clean (Wash my memory clean)
I would rather forget (I would rather forget)
Wash my memory clean

'Cause the devil's got my arms
And it pulls me back into the night
The devil's got my arms
'Cause the devil's got my arms
And it pulls me back into the night
And it pulls me back into the night

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