Sami Yusuf The Source


The SourceSami Yusuf


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Sami Yusuf The Source 歌词

Sami Yusuf The Source Şarkı Sözleri

Dhul-jalaali wa al-ikraam, saiyyd al-akwan, howa-al-mannan
The most majestic and most bountiful, master of the universe, the most gracious

Inna li rabban adheem, laiyysa li rabbun siwah, howa-al-rahman
My lord is truly great, there is no god but him, he is the most merciful

You are the source of all power
My need in my darkest hour
My lord
Your light and love all I seek
Nothing more I'd ever want or need
My lord
Protect me from dishonour
Grant me faith to be stronger
My lord

Dhul-jalaali wa al-ikraam, saiyyd al-akwan, howa-al-mannan
The most majestic and most bountiful, master of the universe, the most gracious

Inna li rabban adheem, laiyysa li rabbun siwah, howa-al-rahman
My lord is truly great, there is no god but him, he is the most merciful

You are the source of all mercy
Infinite light for all to see
My lord
Some claim to represent you
But everything they do is so far away from you
My lord
Help us to know you better
Help us love one another My lord

Dhul-jalaali wa al-ikraam, saiyyd al-akwan, howa-al-mannan
The most majestic and most bountiful, master of the universe, the most gracious

Inna li rabban adheem, laiyysa li rabbun siwah, howa-al-rahman
My lord is truly great, there is no god but him, he is the most merciful

Kam yu'ani qalbi
How much my heart suffers

Lakin ma'i rabbi
But my lord is with me

Ilahi, rahman
My lord, the source of mercy

Anta noor al-aman
You are the light of safety

I know some doors you may close
But this is how life's story goes
You are my guide, the source of light
My lord

Dhul-jalaali wa al-ikraam, saiyyd al-akwan, howa-al-mannan
The most majestic and most bountiful, master of the universe, the most gracious

Inna li rabban adheem, laiyysa li rabbun siwah, howa-al-rahman
My lord is truly great, there is no god but him, he is the most merciful


sami yusuf the source

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