Sabrina Carpenter Smoke and Fire


Smoke and FireSabrina Carpenter


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Sabrina Carpenter Smoke and Fire 歌词

Oh, oh, our love is running into a burning building
Oh, oh, our love is scattered ash with a burnt up feeling
Feel the heat so we started running
You know you saw it coming
But the memories are still in my mind
Burning like smoke and fire
Rumors spread like wildfire, I held a strong ground
But I've been burning down
'Cause it's like fire is all I hear about
And we are fading out
Don't wanna turn out the light
But it's like
I'm no firefighter
I just need to breathe tonight
So sound the alarm
And there goes the night
Oh, oh, our love is running into a burning building
Oh, oh, our love is scattered ash with a burnt up feeling
Feel the heat so we started running
You know you saw it coming
But the memories are still in my mind
Burning like smoke and fire
Secrets in a small town, they always get around
But the flame has been put out
And I am hearing all the small talk
They whisper as I walk
In a house that's bordered up
So good luck
I'm no firefighter
I just need to breathe tonight
So sound the alarm
And there goes the night
Oh, oh, our love is running into a burning building
Oh, oh, our love is scattered ash with a burnt up feeling
Feel the heat so we started running
You know you saw it coming
But the memories are still in my mind
Burning like smoke and fire
Smoke and fire
Smoke and fire
Don't you know that
If there's smoke there's fire
Smoke there's fire
Smoke there's fire
Now, now
Oh, oh, and now it's over
Oh, oh, I'm getting colder
Oh, oh, and it's the feeling
Like running into a burning building
Rumors spread like wildfire, I held a strong ground
But I've been burning down
Oh, oh, our love is running into a burning building
Oh, oh, our love is scattered ash with a burnt up feeling
Feel the heat so we started running
You know you saw it coming
But the memories are still in my mind
Burning like smoke and fire
Smoke and fire
Smoke and fire
Don't you know that
If there's smoke there's fire
Smoke there's fire
Smoke there's fire
Now, now
Oh, oh, and now it's over
Oh, oh, I'm getting colder
I'm so tired
Burning like smoke and fire

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