Sabrina Carpenter On Purpose


On PurposeSabrina Carpenter


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Sabrina Carpenter On Purpose 歌词

Your eyes
Crashin' into my eyes
Was I accidentally falling in love?
Your words
Didn't mean to heal the hurt
Were coincidentally more than enough
All these days I never thought
That I would need someone so much
Who knew?
But I don't think I ever planned
For this helpless circumstance
With you
You're scared, I'm nervous
But I guess that we did it on purpose, on purpose, on purpose
Baby, I know it's weird, but it's worth it
'Cause I guess that we did it on purpose, on purpose, on purpose
But I guess that we did it on purpose
But I guess that we did it on purpose
My dreams running into your dreams
It's as if we wished on the same star
And my time changing all of your time
It's a butterfly effect on my heart
All these days I never thought
That I would need someone so much
Who knew?
Who knew?
But I don't think I ever planned
For this helpless circumstance
With you
Oh, woah
You're scared, I'm nervous
But I guess that we did it on purpose, on purpose, on purpose
Baby, I know it's weird, but it's worth it
But I guess that we did it on purpose, on purpose, on purpose
On purpose
But I guess that we did it on purpose
But I guess that we did it on purpose
Lost in darkness
You're my focus
Love me hopeless
But I guess that we did it on purpose
Lost in darkness
You're my focus
Love me hopeless
Oh, you're scared
You're scared, I'm nervous
But I guess that we did it on purpose, on purpose, on purpose
Baby, I know it's weird, but it's worth it
'Cause I guess that we did it on purpose, on purpose, on purpose
Lost in darkness
You're my focus
Love me hopeless
But I guess that we did it on purpose
Lost in darkness
You're my focus
Love me hopeless
But I guess that we did it on purpose

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