Sabrina Carpenter Eyes Wide Open


Eyes Wide OpenSabrina Carpenter


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时间: 03:07 尺寸: 2.88 Mb 下载次数: 4 浏览次数: 14



Sabrina Carpenter Eyes Wide Open 歌词

La di da da da na
Everybody loves to tell me I was born an old soul
Better keep my eyes wide open
There's so much that I don't know
Just another hotel room
Never felt so all alone
I think about my granddad's eyes,
And they always send me home
I can almost hear him now
Gotta make him proud
I keep my eyes wide open
Bless this ground, unbroken
I'm about to make my way
Heaven help me keep my faith
And my eyes wide open
I can't see two steps ahead of me,
When the fog comes rollin' in
I never thought I'd miss the rain
Lord knows how long it's been
This dream burns inside of me,
And I can't just let it go
There's still so much that I don't know
I keep my eyes wide open
Bless this ground, unbroken
I'm about to make my way
Heaven help me keep my faith
And my eyes wide open, yeah
All I have is just this moment
And I don't want to miss a second
'Cause it could all be gone in an instant
Yeah, in an instant
I keep my eyes wide open
Bless this ground, unbroken
I'm about to make my way
Heaven help me keep my faith
And my eyes wide open
I'm about to make my way
Heaven help me keep my faith
My eyes wide open
Keep my eyes wide open

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