Sabrina Carpenter Almost Love


Almost LoveSabrina Carpenter


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时间: 03:28 尺寸: 3.19 Mb 下载次数: 4 浏览次数: 8



Sabrina Carpenter Almost Love 歌词

Ah yeah, yeah, yeah
The moment when the light is red before the go
The moment when the curtain's down before the show
The moment when you're done, but maybe just one more
That's how I feel before I get you all alone
We could give it a minute
But what's the fun in a minute?
When we could push all the limits, ah yeah
Shirt hanging off my shoulders
Both hands wanna hold you
So baby, what's the hold up?
Yeah, yeah
Can you feel the tension rising?
Now you're, now you're getting it close
Now you're, now you're getting it close
Almost love, it's almost love
Speed this up 'cause I'm excited
No more, no more taking it slow
No more, no more taking it slow
Almost love, it's almost love
Almost love
Almost love, but it could be love
Almost love
Almost love, but it could be love
Almost lo-lo-love
Almost love, but it could be love
It could be love, it could be
I want you like a midnight hour wants a view
I want you like a loner wants an empty room
I want you like a kiss that's long and overdue
I need you more than I have ever needed you
And we could give it a minute
But what's the fun in a minute?
When we could push all the limits, ah yeah
Shirt hanging off my shoulders
Both hands wanna hold you
So baby, what's the hold up?
Can you feel the tension rising?
Now you're, now you're getting it close
Now you're, now you're getting it close
Almost love, it's almost love
Speed this up 'cause I'm excited
No more, no more taking it slow
No more, no more taking it slow
Almost love, it's almost love
Almost love
It's almost love, but it could be love
Almost love
Almost love, but it could be love
Almost lo-lo-lo-lo-love
Almost love, but it could be love
It could be love
It could be, yeah
We could give it a minute
But what's the fun in a minute?
Can you feel the tension rising?
Now you're getting it so close
Now you're getting this so close
Almost love, almost love
Oh, 'cause I'm excited
No more, no more taking it slow
No more, no more taking it slow
It's almost love
Almost love, oh baby
It's almost love, but it could be love
'Cause it's almost love, but it could be love
Almost love and you know
Almost love
But it could be love
'Cause it's almost love, but it could be love
Yeah, it could be love, eh

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