Royal Blood Little Monster


Little MonsterRoyal Blood


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Royal Blood Little Monster 歌词

Hey little monster, I got my eye on you

Where are you going, where you running to?

Hey little monster, you know it's all okay

I'm gonna love ya, no matter what you say

I've got love on my fingers

Lust on my tongue

You say you got nothing,

So come out and get some

Heartache to Heartache,

I'm your wolf, I'm your man

I say run little monster,

Before you know who I am

Hey little creature,

Tell me what's on your mind,

Where've you been hiding?

And can I come this time?

So pleased to please ya

And rip that heart off your sleeve,

What we discover

I've got love on my fingers

Lust on my tongue

You say you got nothing,

So come out and get some

Heartache to…

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