Royal Blood Careless


CarelessRoyal Blood


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时间: 03:19 尺寸: 3.06 Mb 下载次数: 0 浏览次数: 12



Royal Blood Careless 歌词

I'm tired of kidding myself

Another pill, no good for my health

I wish I could make this disappear

So I sit and smoke on my own

Think about you baby, are you feeling alone?

'Cause I'd die just thinking that you'd forget

But I guess you won't

I wish I cared less

But I'm afraid I don't

You couldn't care less

So I guess you won't

Change your mind again

I can't stop dreaming of you

It does me no good and it's turning into

A splinter that I can't find under my skin

So I'll make another hole in the wall

Think about the times I didn't love you at all

'Cause I just can't make myself again

So I guess I won't

I wish I cared less

But I'm afraid I don't

You couldn't care less

So I guess you won't

Change your mind again

I've tried to make no sound

But our love came crashing…

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