Rod Stewart Da Ya Think Im Sexy


Da Ya Think Im SexyRod Stewart


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Rod Stewart Da Ya Think Im Sexy 歌词

Oh! Uh yeah yeah yeah
She sits alone waiting for suggestions
He's so nervous avoiding all the questions
His lips are dry, her heart is gently pounding
Don't you just know exactly what they're thinking
His heart's beating like a drum (like a drum)
Is he gonna get this girl home?
Well, soon, baby, we'll be all alone
Don't you just know exactly what they're thinking?
If you want my body and you think I'm sexy
Come on, sugar, tell me so
If you really need me, just reach out and touch me
Come on, honey, tell me so
He's acting shy, looking for an answer
Come on, honey, let's spend the night together
Now hold on a minute before we go much further
Give me a dime so I can phone my mother
They catch a cab to his high-rise apartment
At last he can tell exactly what his heart meant
If you want my body and you think I'm sexy
Come on, sugar, tell me so (tell me so)
If you really need me, just reach out and touch me
Come on, honey, tell me so
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, ooh, ooh
I like this, I like this, I like this
Come on, baby, spend the night
I promised to behave myself
Oh yeah, oh yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah
His heart is beating like a drum (like a drum)
Is he gonna get this girl home? (Is he)
We'll soon, baby, we'll be alone
Don't you just know exactly what they're thinking?
If you want my body and you think I'm sexy
Come on, sugar, tell me so
If you really need me, just reach out and touch me
Come on, honey, tell me so (tell me so)
If you really, really, really need me
Just let me know
Just let me know
If you really need me
If you really, really, really need me
Just let me know
Just let me know
Oh yeah, yeah

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