Rihanna Take A Bow


Take A BowRihanna


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时间: 03:49 尺寸: 3.51 Mb 下载次数: 8 浏览次数: 193



Rihanna Take A Bow 歌词

Rihanna Take A Bow Sözleri

How bout a round of applause?
Standin ovation...
Yeah yeah yeah yeah

You look so dumb right now
Standin' outside my house
Tryin' to apologize
You're so ugly when you cry
Just cut it out

Don't tell me you're sorry cuz you're not
Baby when I know you're only sorry you got caught

But you put on quite a show
You really had me goinBut now it's time to go
Curtains finally closinThat was quite a show
Very entertaininBut it's over now
Go on and take a bow

Grab your clothes and get gone
(You better hurry up)
Before the sprinklers come on
Talkin' bout "Girl, I love you you're the one..."
This just looks like a re-run
What else is on?
And don't tell me you're sorry cuz you're not
Baby when I know you're only sorry you got caught

But you put on quite a show
You really had me goinBut now it's time to go
Curtains finally closinThat was quite a show
Very entertaininBut it's over now
Go on and take a bow

And the award for the best liar goes to you
For makin' me believe
That you could be
Faithful to me
Let's hear your speech

How bout a round of applause?
Standin' ovation...

But you put on quite a show
You really had me goinBut now it's time to go
Curtains finally closinThat was quite a show
Very entertaininBut it's over now
Go on and take a bow...

But it's over now...


rihanna take bow

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