Red Hot Chili Peppers Around The World


Around The WorldRed Hot Chili Peppers


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Red Hot Chili Peppers Around The World 歌词

Red Hot Chili Peppers Around The World Sözleri

All around the world
We could make time
Rompin` and a stompin`
Cause I`m in my prime

Born in the north
And sworn to entertain ya
Cause I`m down for
The state of Pennsylvania

I try not to whine
But I must warn ya
`Bout the girls
From California

Alabama baby
Said hallelujah
Good god girl
I wish I knew ya

I know I know for sure
That life is beautiful around the world
I know I know it`s you
You say hello and then I say I do

Come back baby
`Cause I`d like to say
I`ve been around the world
Back from Bombay

Fox hole love
Pie in your face
Living in and out
Of a big fat suitcase

Bonafide ride
Step aside my Johnson
Yes I could
In the woods of Wisconsin

Wake up the cake It`s a lake she`s kissin` me
As they do when
When they do in Sicily

I know I know for sure
That life is beautiful around the world
I know I know it`s you
You say hello and then I say I do

Where you want to go
Who you want to be
What you want to do
Just come with me

I saw God
And I saw the fountains
You and me girl
Sittin` in the Swiss mountains

Me Oh My O
Me and Guy O
Freer than a bird
`Cause we`re rockin` Ohio

Around the world
I feel dutiful
Take a wife
`Cause life is beautiful

I know I know for sure
@@@@[email protected]@@@
I know I know it`s you

Mother Russia do not suffer
I know you`re bold enough
I`ve been around the world
And I have seen your love
I know I know it`s you

You say hello then I say I do ...

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