Ragn Bone Man Lay My Body Down


Lay My Body DownRagn Bone Man


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时间: 03:35 尺寸: 3.31 Mb 下载次数: 0 浏览次数: 6



Ragn Bone Man Lay My Body Down 歌词

All I'm looking for
Is a little bit more rope
To wrap around my throat
I'm in trouble
I'm in trouble
And all I'm gasping for
Is one last breath of hope
To heal the hearts I broke
I'm in trouble
I'm in trouble
When you lay my body down
When you throw me in the ground
Don't be sorry
When you lay my body down
When you throw me in the ground
Save your prayers
Don't shed a tear, don't shed a tear for me
Save your prayers
Don't shed a tear, don't shed a tear for me
Turn your heart
To the trail
Of souls behind me
Save your prayers
Don't shed a tear, don't shed a tear for me
All the fearful eyes
Stay burned upon my mind
The gift they left behind
All my troubles
All my troubles
Still they find the words
Ring louder than my thoughts
Lay heavy as a curse
I'm in trouble
I'm in trouble
When you lay my body down
When you throw me in the ground
Don't be sorry
When you lay my body down
When I'm buried in the ground
Save your prayers
Don't shed a tear, don't shed a tear for me
Save your prayers
Don't shed a tear, don't shed a tear for me
Turn your heart
To the trail
Of souls behind me
Save your prayers
Don't shed a tear, don't shed a tear for me
These are my confessions
I'm singing out my dying words
These are my confessions
Make peace before I hit the dirt
These are my confessions
Hear all my sins laid down in verse
These are my confessions
Oh, these are my confessions
Save your prayers
Don't shed a tear, don't shed a tear for me
Save your prayers
Don't shed a tear, don't shed a tear for me
Turn your heart
To the trail
Of souls behind me
Save your prayers
Don't shed a tear, don't shed a tear for me

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